Pilgrims, Warriors, and Servants: Puritan Wisdom for Today's Church

Edited by Lee Gatiss (Latimer Trust, 2010)
This is a collection of the St. Antholin's Lectures on puritan theology and ministry from 1991-2000, edited and with an introduction by Lee Gatiss, who is currently working at Tyndale House researching a 17th century puritan commentary on Hebrews. The book contains chapters by Jim Packer, Peter Jensen, Peter Adam, Alister McGrath, Bruce Winter and others, covering such interesting topics as evangelical spirituality, the cross in John Owen's pastoral theology, puritan attitudes to combat with Satan, how to reform a church, and various studies of puritans such as Richard Baxter, John Bunyan, and Cambridge's own William Perkins.  The introduction by Lee Gatiss is called "To Satisfy People's Hunger for the Word: St Antholin's as the Prototype Puritan Lectureship" and looks at the puritan love of preaching and why they started "lectureships" in churches.

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